Sunday, June 20, 2021

Introduction to my blog... The Basin from Federal Hill - Baltimore, MD

Updated Introduction:  June 2021 - Recently retired. Finally have time to work on the "fun" things!  These are some of my favorite vintage postcards, all per Baltimore, Maryland.  I grew up in the area and have memories tied up with many of these locations. To me, each postcard is a precious piece of history, in particular, the cards that were actually sent. Where possible, I try to translate the old handwriting and provide the sender/recipient information as well.  You may recognize the name of an old relative or family friend!


I love this view of "The Basin from Federal Hill". Doesn't it look peaceful? How things have changed! 

Era: Undivided Back (1901-1907)
Publisher:  Raphael Tuck & Sons "BALTIMORE" Series II. No. 2257

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