Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Great Baltimore Fire 1904

Color postcard showing the devastation from the Great Baltimore Fire.  The conflagration highlighted the need for nationwide standards for hose couplings as other fire departments trying to help could not hook up to the Baltimore hydrants.

View of the Ruins of the Big Fire of Feb 7th and 8th, 1904
Baltimore, MD

Era:  Divided Back (1907-1914)
Publisher:  I.& M. Ottenheimer, Baltimore, MD  Printed in : USA

Dear Julia, Arrival yesterday found all well. Mother leaves this morning to open cottage at Chelsia - I leave from New York tonight. Hope you are well.  Henry

Recipient and Address:  Miss Julia Redding, 327 Park Place, Juniata, PA
Postmark(s):  Mailed from Baltimore, MD May 12, 1912
Cancelled George Washington penny stamp.

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